Finding The Time to Be

Do all the changes and demands of your everyday life make it hard to find time to simply be? You’ve read it right: to simply be is the way of Zen. It is easier said than done, so we have created formal meditation and all those rituals to help you ease into that habit.  If…

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World Gone Sane

We are creatures of habit. Young children, who have no sense of time, find great comfort in their routines. As older people, our routines become much more complicated. Instead of finding comfort in the simple routine of going to bed after brushing our teeth, our routines become much more intricate. Our routines must include doing…

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Mind Altering Practice

Regular meditation changes how you think. It changes the structure of your brain. It changes how you relate to yourself and others. Beginning immediately, and then cumulatively, over time, meditation alters your mind. To witness the immediate effects of meditation, take ten, ten-second breaths. Adjust your posture, so that your back is straight and head…

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